KOBEL Martin

Athlete / Boat :
Event :
Skûtsjelen 2014
Location :
Friesland, Holland
About the shot :
The Skûtsjelen regatta takes place every year in Friesland, Holland, onboard traditional old sailing cargo ships. These are so-called flat-bottomed boats, which were built early last century and used in Friesland. Since 1945, the Sintrale Kommisje Skûtsjesilen Skûtsjesilen (Skûtsje Championship ) organises this competition.
Fourteen Skûtsjes from different cities and villages race against each other. iDuring the months of July / August, no less than eleven competitions are carried out in two weeks. The boats must be in original condition and are subject to strict class rules. Depending on the location, weather and wind, the competitions can be very spectacular. Close maneuver around the buoys, tight racing, exciting overtaking maneuvers, narrow passages in channels…
No less than 125,000 people view the competition from either their own boats, follow boats or the shore. The enthusiasm and interest of the audience are huge.
Camera :
Nikon D800, 400, f13 , 1/1250