Athlete / Boat :
Ashlon Durham
Event :
Real WaterSports
Location :
Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
About the shot :
I was down in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina at Real WaterSports kite boarding venue on assignment and there was a 28 knot North Wester blowing through Pamlico Sound just before sunset.
I asked Ashlon Durham if he would go out and preform some tricks and jumps. I has set up my camera inside the custom underwater housing with a 16mm fisheye lens and as he left the shore on his first run I clicked the shutter with the sun just going down over the horizon.
Ashlon is an amazing kite boarder who works at Real WaterSports during the day and was happy to go out for a blast despite the rapid dropping temperature.
Camera :
NIKON D700, 16mm, 640, f7.1 , 1/1600