Athlete / Boat :
Event :
Kékszalag (Blue Ribbon of Balaton)
Location :
Lake Balaton near Tihany, Hungary
About the shot :
Lisa was designed and built by famous Italian boat maker Patucelli in the 1990s. At that time libera class boats were the fastest sailboats on the European sail-around-the lake regattas. Liberas dominated Centomiglia at Lago di Garda, Rund Um and Bol d'Or. Lisa was built to beat the liberas - but it failed on the aggressive waves on Garda. Hungarian sailing master Farkas Litkey brought Lisa to Lake Balaton where her success story begun. This lovely fake libera won six Kékszalag. Her flame was over when multihulls were introduced to this regatta. A professional team from city of Keszthely bought the boat and restored it. They were the third fastest monohull this year. Due to strong winds the race was risky for team Lisa - since the boat doesn't have keel, just a centerboard. Being behind the team as a photographer was an honor.
Camera :
Canon 5D Mark II, Sigma 120-300mm f2.8, 500, f8 , 1/1600