Athlete / Boat :
Event :
2017 JJ Giltinan World Championship
Location :
Sydney Harbour, Sydney, Australia
About the shot :
The forecast was for wind and a possible shower, so the 18ft skiffs headed out with their "Big Rigs" (Full size) in.
I was onboard the camera cat directing the livestream and taking stills when I could.
Half way through the race I looked over to the south and saw a bank of jet black clouds heading straight towards the fleet.
Things where about to get very wet and windy.
Within 5 minutes the fleet had effectively disappeared from view and we where in the middle of a downpour.
Five minutes later, as the storm quickly passed and visibility got a little better I grabbed my camera and took a series of shots of the aftermath
Camera :
Canon 5d mk3, EF100-400mm, 800, f8.0 , 1/8000