TAYLOR James robinson

Athlete / Boat :
Swan 45 "Vixen"
Event :
Giorgio Falk Memorial II
Location :
Scarlino, Italy
About the shot :
During a cold early spring series for the Swan 45 one-designs an unexpected wind squall came off the hills to hit the fleet just after rounding the windward mark. The wind jumped from the low 20's into the high 30's, and I was very happy to be with company in a large rib for a change. We had just started moving to leeward to follow the leaders downwind as I went aft to find a dryer spot to change my cards. Happily I was quick in changing them, as a friend cried out that Vixen was in trouble. Later, back on shore, I found out that the only damage to her was a bent spinnaker pole. Over the years this has been perhaps my most popular image with the wider public, a sensational moment combined with beautiful light and powerful composition.
Camera :
Nikon D2x, 80-200 f/2.8 @ 165mm (247mm equivilant in 35mm), 320, f/6.0 , 1/1250