HESE Sören

Athlete / Boat :
Prosit IV - rebuild 1969, 15 KR class, Max Oertz.
Event :
Havel Klassik Regatta
Location :
Havel, Berlin
About the shot :
Prosit IV 15KR at the Havel Klassik sailing race in summer 2016. The race was dominated by low wind speed conditions and in June 2016 it was extraordinary warm. The shot was done with a DSLR mounted in a sub aquatic sports housing and shot from very low - nearly in split level type of shooting perspective. The challenge was to compose the shot with subtle micro wave foreground reflections and getting the timing with the large spinnaker right.
Camera :
Nikon D800, Nikkor 14-24mm f2.8 @14mm, 800, f11 , 1/1250