Athlete / Boat :
Quarter Tonner BLT
Event :
RORC Vice Admirals Cup
Location :
The Solent
About the shot :
Quarter Tonner BLT
One of the first events in the Solent sailing season is the RORC Vice Admiral’s Cup, an inshore regatta with multiple fleets.
This is the Quarter Tonner BLT, she was surfing downwind when they began to nose dive into a wave. The mass of water on the foredeck started to weigh the bow down and with the sails still full the stern began to lift out of the water. There was a serious risk of breaking the mast but with the skill of the crew they kept it together and they went on to win the race.
Camera :
Nikon D850, 200-500mm @260mm, 64, 20 , 1/40