Athlete / Boat :
Holcim-PRB IMOCA 60
Event :
Georgia Schofield
Location :
Off the coast of Itacoatiara looking at the harbour entrance of Rio de Janerio
About the shot :
Around 0400 UTC I got to sleep only to be woken up by a loud bang and as I stuck my head out the companionway we heard a disturbing crunch on the roof of the cockpit. This is roughly 0445. It’s pitch black.
What I remember is not having shoes on so I stayed in the cabin, I grabbed the helmet and handed it to Benjamin. Annemieke was dragging all the tool bags and safety equipment from the bow of the boat to the companionway. I put on my lifejacket and made sure the grab bag was close by. Shortly after I found my shoes and my camera at my OBR station. I started recording with it just slung around my neck as I was rummaging through tool bags trying to help the guys find what they needed. When I stuck my head outside the guys were standing on the roof of the cockpit, powertools in hand with wreckage all around. The skipper yelled “has anyone sent a message? Send a message” I ran to my OBR station to grab my phone and messaged “demastage” which isn’t an actual word, it’s half way between the French “demâtage” and the English “dismasting” which is a reflection of where my brain was at, trapped between English and French. I asked if I should make a mayday call, he said no, we’re not sinking, pan pan. In my training I always thought a pan pan would be a lot more calm. I knew if I couldn’t help that the best thing I could do was stay safe and film. I took care to move around the rigging and assist where I could. After 30 minutes everything dangerous was cut free. The team really impressed me with how professionally they handled it, they knew exactly what to do and worked efficiently to cut us clear. Things went from crazy intense down to quiet very very quick.
After hours drifting, communicating with the shore team, a decision was made: Rio de Janeiro. A 200nm journey south west which took us 3.5 days under engine and jury rig. This image was taken by drone just outside the entrance of Rio looking at the Costão de Itacoatiara, we had made it to safe harbour, it reflects the breath before taking the next step.
Camera :
DJI Mavic 2 Pro, 28mm, 100, f/4.5 , 1/500