UPTON Gordon

Athlete / Boat :
Darren Bundock. Exploder Ad3 A-Class Cat.
Event :
A-Class Catamaran World Championships Event
Location :
Golfo Di Follonica, PuntAla
About the shot :
Nailing the pin! Aussie sailing legend, Darren Bundock, accelerates away after winning the pin end of the line in a 91 boat fleet, and leads fellow championship contenders Ravi Parent (USA) and Emmanuel Dodé (FRA) on the first upwind leg. I liked the keen yet satisfied look on Bundy's face as he concentrates on boat speed and outstripping his rivals, and the faint look of concern on Ravi's. With the dynamism of a light, fast boat under full control and sailor's body language as his boat deals with the waves just before he gets up on his foils, it all suggests he is in a winning mindset.
Camera :
Canon 5d4, Canon 100-400 L5.6 MkII USM + 1.4x converter, 400, 7.1 , 1/2500th