Benjamin Sans Costa - Interview: « Each regatta has its own important challenge »

Benjamin Sans Costa - Interview: « Each regatta has its own important challenge »

Photography is one of the best ways to share the passion of sailing : beauty of the sport, life onboard, success, grace-filled moment, failures… How is the job of yacht photographers evolving? What are the specificities of the industry? We spoke to several professionals in order to compare their points of views. This week, Benjamin Sans Costa, 21 years old, 6th at last year’s edition, answers our questions.

Benjamin, how did you become a sailing photographer ?

All my family and friends are sailors. One summer, five years ago, I couldn't sail for medical reasons. I happened to have a brand new camera and spent the time taking photos of my friends sailing in Laser. I was 16 at the time. It’s been tough, but I am now very grateful it happened like this, because it took me where I am today!

What’s the best picture you’ve ever taken ? Why ?

I could’t choose one single picture, but one of my favorites is the 29er photo I submitted for last year’s MYRI’s edition. 

What is the most important challenge you encounter while taking sailing pictures ? 

The most vivid memory I have was during a regatta, when I was on a rib with a filmaker. The wind was gusting at almost 45 knots and the rib couldn’t stop heeling. We were trying to get back to the marina, but we were moving at less than 2 knots because of the wind… More generally speaking, I would say that each regatta has its own important challenge.

What criteria do you use to choose the picture you submit for MYRI ?

It’s always very hard to select one picture per edition of the contest. I’m usually trying to figure out what criteria would be taken into account by the international Jury. I think that never or rarely seen angle, great colors or personal meaning can be decisive. 

Something you’d like to add?

I would like to highlight the generosity of my fellow yacht racing professional photographers, who didn’t hesitate to share tips, advice and knowledge with me without having met me in person. A special thank you to Pedro Martínez (ESP) and Jesús Renedo (ESP), from Sailing Energy, and to Matías Cappizano (ARG)!