I’m Georgy Akimov, 45 YO, sailing photograhper My current passion for sailing is not accidental and goes back to the depths of the last century, a century of uncomfortable wire telephony and paper navigation charts that were almost unusefull for sailing, exactly to the distant eighties – the years of cold war between USA and USSR. My photographic hobby became a job about 18 years ago. I was taking pics for different magazines an advertising and commercial projects. But the futility and monotonicity of coastal life might never satisfy the gourmet. And then in the winter of 2014 my fate have taken me to the board of a sailing boat that carried out a long transition. This way I felt the beauty, power and grace of the sea in general and marine photography in particular. A childhood with my father-sailor quickly let me get comfortable on board, and high photographic skills and experience on the shore easily let me capture the best moments of races. Enjoy watching!