
I grew up in Saint-Malo (Brittany, France) and the ocean has always been a source of inspiration. My career as a photographer began with ocean racing and sports sailing with the DPPI agency. I then joined the Sea & Co sea photographer's collective with some of the biggest names in the business. This passion for sailing but also for travel led me to work in 2009 on the scientific sailing ship Tara during the Tara Oceans expedition, dedicated to a vast collection of marine micro-organisms (plankton and coral). An experience that will make me decide to live closer to a luxuriant nature. Tirelessly attracted by the islands, I moved to French Polynesia at the end of 2012 and stayed 10 years to tell stories about islanders's life for magazines, but also to set up the Va'a Motu project with my friend Ato Lissant, native of the Fakarava atoll. With the non-profit we created, we built a 30-foot sailing pirogue and revived a maritime tradition that had disappeared from the Tuamotus.
Today, I am back in my native Brittany, I am a freelance photographer for media such as National Geographic, Geo and for the international nautical press magazines with which I regularly collaborate.