
I was born in 1973 in Turin. Since I was a child I was very interested to alls that concerning draw and painting. By myself I learn to use charcoal technique and the black & white but early I started to love the colours thing and oil painting. When I became an adult I started to discover the photograph and now I can not live without it. During my law studies, my passion for the photograph growing up more and more especially like yachting and motorsport sport activities; I started to attend different sporting races.
My career started working as freelance with different sport magazine and shortly I started to have my first success having my photos on national magazine covers. Instead to speak of me I would like to show my point of view about the photography. I like the continual internal personal research; I think for image; I try to take the real moment where other do not see nothing. I am sated when I leave me to drive by my sensation: my photos are the result of my continual mediation from my eyes and my mind. My photograph decrees the maximum importance to the composition and the shot without neglecting the approach of the colours: I prefer the colours lively, strong, what’s give back brilliant and electrifying a photography. Every image owes involve, surprising me and surprising others, must try to produce emotions in those who are observing it; photograph does not mean copying the visible one but searching for the moment running away, the impossible click, something not still seen, even if a total devotion is necessary to make it possible.