Athlete / Boat :
Joost-Olan Sheehan / Warrior Won
Event :
Newport Bermuda Race
Location :
Between Newport, RI, USA and Bermuda
About the shot :
Pictured is Joost-Olan Sheehan, age 16, grinding for the spinnaker trimmer onboard Warrior Won. A few days earlier Joost was embraced by his teary-eyed and very worried Mom. Joost's father Chris Sheehan promised to take care of him and show him a good time. Suffice it to say that Mom didn't get a call saying the professional weather forecasters are saying potentially 55 knots and breaking seas in the Gulf Stream. Warrior Won left the dock and Joost had the time of his life as did the entire crew. Warrior Won captured the overall victory and the St. Davids lighthouse trophy. Best of all though the crew captured some wonderful memories such as this photo. #keeponsailing!
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